Intersubjectivity and the psy-sciences
10. évfolyam, 1. szám, 2021
Introduction (Júlia Gyimesi, Kata Dóra Kiss) ….4
NIKOLETT KANÁSZ: Intersubjectivity and synchronicity in the therapeutic relationship….30
BÉLA RIDEG: Representation of traumatized women in Sofi Oksanen’s Estonian historical novels ….55
Letter from Sándor Ferenczi to Elizabeth Severn, 1925 (introduced by Anna Borgos) ….77
Kata Lénárd, 1973–2021 (Anna Borgos) ….81
Interview of Kata Lénárd with Jane McAdam Freud ….85
Cover: Vincent van Gogh: Undergrowth with two Figures (1890